Link Love: 'BADASS Muslimahs', The Blog

In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ Peace be with you السلام عليكم

WhatBadass Muslimahs, the Tumblr blog on the rise.

Adamant on presenting alternative and realistic images of contemporary Muslim women, Badass Muslimah's follows the trend of photo essay blogs and has posted hundreds of iconic photos from singer-songwriters to Olympic medalists. Here are a few badass Muslimahs that caught our eye.

Sarah Khoshjamal Fekri is a Muslim tae kwon do Olympian, wearing a pose that we did not know was even physically possible.

Niqabi women with family enjoying the liberating swings 

This is Roqaya Al-Gassara, and she’s dressed for some serious competition at the Olympics. {photo: Reuters}

Merve Dagli Photography: the very talented hijabi photographer from Turkey.

This is Kristiane Backer. As a former TV-presenter of German MTV, Kristiane became a Muslim, is a keen environmentalist and author.

For a Women’s Soccer Team, Competing Is a Victory: “This is how I fight,” [Khalida Popal] said. “We want to send a message over the world to show that women can play football, and study, and work.” {NY Times}

Naqaa, Saudi Women Fighting for the Environment

For over five years, a small group of young Muslim women have been hard at work in Saudi Arabia helping to fight climate change. Naqa’a, the environmental enterprise, was setup with the aim of introducing environmental practices to organizations and spreading Islam’s green message to the masses. The founders of the group were even selected by the White House to participate in the Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship. {Green Prophet, by Muslimness writer Arwa Aburawa}

China distinguishes itself in the Muslim world with a long tradition of female imams (spiritual leaders/teachers)

These imams or ahong – a Persian derived word – perform many of the same duties their male counterparts do. They lead prayers and teach the Qur’an but can’t lead funeral rituals or wash male corpses. "In a country with about 21 million Muslims, women also have their own mosques to worship in – another practice different from other countries,” said Shui Jingjun, of the Henan Academy of Social Sciences who co-authored a book on the subject. Women administered these mosques and women serve as the imams there. {Illume Magazine}

Has that changed your views about Muslim women?

Check out more {Badass Muslimahs}



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