Our suffering Muslim siblings in Indonesia need you!

In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ | Peace be with you السلام عليكم

*Original post on the KimDonesia blog here.

(For those viewing this blog post on Muxlim.com and my Facebook notes, you'll find the embedded video here.)

Our Muslim brothers and sisters in Indonesia need you. They have been struck by a whole bunch of earthquakes recently and over 1000 Indonesians have died (most of them Muslims, of course). Some Indonesians are still stuck under all the rubble. Many have been injured.

Indonesia is a poor country and needs as much emergency money that it can get to help our suffering brothers and sisters. Remember that this life is short, however the next life is eternal and giving enough money for even a bowl of rice or some medical supplies will probably get you huge rewards in Paradise, insha'Allah. Remember that the Hereafter is eternal.

Please give any money you can to any of the following charity websites (I believe most of them - if not all - are Islamic charities but whichever you choose to donate to, it will still get to the Muslim victims insha'Allah) - at least $5 or $10. It's really not that much:

  • Islamic Relief "Sumatra Earthquake Appeal" - click here.
  • Muslim Hands "Indonesia Earthquake Appeal" - click here.
  • Ummah Welfare Trust "Sumatra (Indonesia) Earthquake Appeal" - click here.
  • Islamic Help "Indonesia Earthquake Crisis" - click here.
So yeah, have a heart. Even if you're not a Muslim. We're all human beings.

And to those who have donated/are intending to donate, then may Allah (swt) bless and reward you. Just a little bit of money will definitely go a long way. Thank you.

Please promote this cause if possible. Go to this video here, look in the video description box and you will be able to download the aforementioned video and re-upload it to your own Youtube channel. I also give you permission to redistribute this blog entry - use my exact words, and the same HTML, I don't mind.

Link this blog post, and also the video separately, on your Facebook status, Myspace and your Twitter updates. Link the Earthquake Appeal pages from the charity websites on your social networking sites. We need to spread this as much as possible!!

By: The Australian

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Peace & respect ★


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