The "Nazar" amulet will not ward off the "Evil Eye"

In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ | Peace be with you السلام عليكم

The Nazar/Evil Eye Stone (in Turkish it is called "nazar boncuğu") is quite commonly used in Turkey - even among practising Muslims. It is believed by many that this stone will protect the one who wears it from the Evil Eye. The Evil Eye is actually a concept that is held in Islamic belief.

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to say: "May you get relief from the pain, cured from the disease, and be protected from envy and evil eye by the virtue of Allah's Name."
[Reported by Muslim]

It is believed that when one is looked at in an envious or jealous way, it could cause injury or other forms of "bad luck", so to speak. This is the Evil Eye. So, many Muslims (and even non-Muslims) wear amulets in an attempt to ward off the Evil Eye.

For example, the Nazar is commonly worn in Turkey to ward off the Evil Eye as aforementioned. The Nazar is usually a hanging ornament or flattened bead made from glass. It is usually blue and resembles a small circular eye. I know of many Shi'ites who wear the Hand of Fatima, or have it displayed in their mosques. I've also heard that in Pakistan, some Muslims recite verses from the Qur'an over a piece of string and wear that for protection. Some Muslims even wear an Ayat Al-Kursi amulet.

However, the Prophet Muhammad (saw) has forbidden the wearing of these amulets for these purposes - regardless of whether it has a dua or something from the Qur'an written on it or recited over it.

Imaam Ahmad narrated in his Musnad from ‘Uqbah ibn ‘Aamir (RA) that the Prophet (SAW) said: “Whoever wears an amulet, may Allah not fulfil his need, and whoever wears seashells [for protection from the evil eye] may Allah not protect him.”

In the hadith above, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) explains that Allah (SWT) will not protect you, and your need will not be fulfilled, if you wear amulets for the purpose of protection.

Another hadith has basically the same meaning:

"A group came to the Messenger of Allah (SAW) and he accepted the bay’ah [allegiance] of nine of them, but not from one of them.

They said, 'O Messenger of Allaah, you accepted the bay’ah of nine and not from this one.'

He said, 'He is wearing an amulet.'

Then he took it in his hand and broke it, and the Prophet (SAW) accepted his bay’ah. He said, 'Whoever wears an amulet is guilty of shirk.'"
[From Fataawa al-‘Ayn wa’l-Hasad, p. 277]

From this hadith, we can definitely acknowledge that one who wears a protection amulet is guilty of shirk. If anybody knows if the same thing goes for those who don't have the intention to wear it for protection, but just for a fashion statement, please let me know. Give me your opinions, fatwas, whatever.

No piece of jewellery, or ornament, will ever protect you from the Evil Eye. Only Allah (SWT) can protect you - I will tell you how to get His protection in a moment. The only result that you will get from wearing a Nazar or amulet for protection would be displeasing Allah (SWT).

You would be commiting shirk by doing so, as you will be relying on something/someone other than Allah to help you. Shirk is the worst sin in Islam, and is unforgivable. One who commits shirk will not enter Jannah/Paradise unless they turn away from disbelief.

It was narrated that ‘Aa’ishah (RA) said: “The Messenger of Allah (SAW) commanded me, or he commanded (the people), to use ruqyah to deal with the evil eye.”
[Narrated by al-Bukhaari, al-Tibb, 5297]

Ruqyah is when a person recites part of the Qur’an such as Al-Fatihah or makes supplication using words transmitted from the authentic hadith of the Prophet (SAW). So, to protect yourself from Evil Eye, you must recite the words of Allah (SWT) and rely on Him to help you. Not some petty bead or piece of string.

“It was narrated that `A’ishah (RA) said: “When the Messenger of Allah (SAW) was ill, he would recite al-Mu`awidhatayn (surahs of Al-Falaq and An-Nas) over himself and spit dryly... ” [Al-Bukhari]

To protect yourself from the Evil Eye, you can recite: Surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falaq, Surah An-Nas and Ayat Al-Kursi. Also, you can read the following dua:

“A’oodhu bi kalimaat Allaah al-taammaati min sharri maa khalaq."
("I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allaah from the evil of that which He has created.")
[Narrated by Muslim, al-Dhikr wa’l-Du’aa, 4881]

Furthermore, to avoid giving somebody the Evil Eye, say "Masha'Allah" when paying them a compliment. This is because good (and bad) can only happen if Allah (SWT) wills it.

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said: "Upon beholding something attractive, try to recount Allah's glorification by saying, 'Allah is Blessed!' or 'May Allah bless you!'"

So Muslims, I hope that you have learned something from this blog post. The only good that will result in this blog post is from Allah (swt) Himself. I urge all of you to immediately dispose of your nazar boncuğu and any other "protection" amulets that you may have, whether your intentions are to wear it for protection or just for fashion. Please avoid doing shirk.

Trust Allah (swt) - not a bead, jewellery or a piece of string.

"Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of Daybreak. From the evil of that which He create. From the evil of the darkness when it is intense. And from the evil of malignant witchcraft. And from the evil of the envier when he envies."
[Surah Al-Falaq 113]

By: The Australian

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Peace & respect ★


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