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In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ | Peace be with you السلام عليكم

(Original post on the KimDonesia blog here.)

I don't know about your country, but in Australia we have two different types of wheelie bins. The contents of the bins get emptied by two different trucks on Monday mornings.

One bin is the normal black garbage disposal bin, and another looks like the other bin but has a yellow lid. The bin with the yellow lid is for recyclables. Most Australians have a list of "what to/not to recycle" stuck to their fridges for recycling guidance. Well, I know my family does.

Ever since the recycle bins were introduced, I've been obsessed with recycling. I rinse and recycle just about everything - paper, milk cartons, softdrink bottles, cat food tins, etc. It's gotten to be an addiction. If I put something that can be recycled into the garbage disposal, I feel really guilty. Like I'm contributing to the destruction of the environment or something.

In our household/kitchen, we have a recyclables bag and a garbage bin. This bag gets filled ALL the time due to my Obsessive Compulsive Recycling.

Now, the recycle bin contains more junk than the garbage disposal.

Mind you, most of the things in this bin are recyclable.
The recycle bin just didn't have enough room for more junk.
I felt soooo guilty, throwing recyclables into the garbage bin!!

Since my last blog post inspired people (somebody even Tweeted about it!) to spring clean their bedrooms and give their crap to charity, I'm hoping this blog post will inspire people to recycle.

Why we should recycle:

  • The environment doesn't need any more of our man made rubbish
  • We can save resources by having things reused
Just obvious reasons.

Do you have recycle bins in your countries? If you don't, you should send a letter to your local council or something. We don't want our future descendants to live in a stinky world full of rubbish just because we're too lazy to recycle.

By: The Australian

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Peace & respect ★


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