Begging for sadaqah for a needy reverted sister!
Thursday, October 22, 2009 Read more → In the name of God, entirely Compassionate, especially Merciful | Peace be with you
(Original post on the KimDonesia blog here.)
A sister that I know, who wishes to remain anonymous, is in desperate need of $700 by November 21st. If this amount isn't paid, her house will go into foreclosure. Here is an elaboration of her situation:
"We gotta come up with $700 USD by the 21st of Nov or they'll put the house into foreclosure. Ma only gets $850 a month. I get $268, most of which is spent before I get it - just on life needs.
We're renegotiating the sub-prime loan but they won't do it unless we are able to pay these two payments.
I'm chronically ill, I can't get a job. I've lost 4.5 inches in height in less than 8 years, chronic pain, degenerative disk disease, degenerating hips, pinched nerves, muscle spasms, exposed nerves and arthritis throughout my body. That's just the physical.
The mental is Bi-polar, Social Anxiety, PTSD from traumas, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and some other things they try to pigeon-hole me into.
Ma is 71 - not my biological mother but they kind of adopted me when I moved to this state with my kids in 1998. Pa died on July 20th. His federal check paid the mortgage. Without it we're screwed until they renegotiate the mortgage.
So sis, I'm kinda begging. Ma has places to go. I have NOWHERE to go.
There's no mosque here and no other Muslims - if you can imagine that. The nearest mosque is an hour away. I don't drive.
I'm 44 and very ill, sis - I'm almost 45. Never expected to be in this situation at this age. My family won't help at all - most have disowned me."
So brothers and sisters, it is our Islamic duty to help this sister in her time of need. And I know this is not a scam, as I know this sister and have known her for quite a while.
If 70 people donate $10 by the 21st of November, this sister will have reached her goal. If more than $10 is donated, this will probably exceed the $700 minimum requirement and help provide this reverted sister with money to help with her life expenses.
If you have a Paypal account, please send some money to:
This sister is desperate, and really needs as much help as she can get. This is Islamic charity - Sadaqah - and insha'Allah you will get great rewards for helping this sister out. Remember that the Hereafter matters, and is longer than this temporary life.
So please, if you have some money that you can scrape up to give to this sister through Paypal, it will be greatly appreciated. If you can, PLEASE share this blog post with others - she needs as much help as possible. May Allah (swt) reward and bless you.
By: The Australian
Peace & respect ★