Indo earthquake times match Qur'an verses
Saturday, October 17, 2009 Read more → In the name of God, entirely Compassionate, especially Merciful | Peace be with you
In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ | Peace be with you السلام عليكم
First I'd like to say... I'm really sorry for not posting at Muslimness since Ramadan! I've been trying to keep up with my own blog since that's a bit difficult - but whenever I post something interesting and Muslim-related on my own blog, then I'll share it here insha'Allah. I may make original posts for this blog too... Someday!
(Original post on the KimDonesia blog here.)
I'm sure most of you know about the earthquakes that occured in Indonesia very recently.
I've had a bunch of Indonesians commenting and messaging me on Facebook telling me the exact times that these earthquakes struck, and telling me to look in the Qur'an.
Check out more →
Follow responses through First I'd like to say... I'm really sorry for not posting at Muslimness since Ramadan! I've been trying to keep up with my own blog since that's a bit difficult - but whenever I post something interesting and Muslim-related on my own blog, then I'll share it here insha'Allah. I may make original posts for this blog too... Someday!
(Original post on the KimDonesia blog here.)

I've had a bunch of Indonesians commenting and messaging me on Facebook telling me the exact times that these earthquakes struck, and telling me to look in the Qur'an.
One Indonesian sister, Nina, sent me this message:
"Kim i have something important to tell you... have you heared about earthquake in Indonesia???
eartquake in Tassik at 15.04 [Q.S 15:4]
earthquake in Padang at 17.16 [Q.S 17:16]
earthquake in Padang (again) at 17.58 [Q.S 17:58]
earthquake in Jambi at 8.52 [Q.S 8:52]
please check the Qur'an NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!"
This sister was telling me that the times are matching the verses in the Qur'an that have the same number. She meant that, for example, the earthquake in Tassik occured at a time of 15.04, and that I should look at Chapter 15 verse 4 in the Qur'an and see what it says.
This is what I found...
Earthquake in Tassik at a time of 15.04. The Qur'an says...
This is what I found...
Earthquake in Tassik at a time of 15.04. The Qur'an says...
"And We destroyed no township but there was a known decree for it."
[Qur'an 15:4]
Earthquake in Padang at a time of 17.16. The Qur'an says...
By: The Australian

Peace & respect ★
[Qur'an 15:4]
Earthquake in Padang at a time of 17.16. The Qur'an says...
"And when We would destroy a township, We send commandment to its folk who live at ease, and afterward they commit abomination therein, and so the Word (of doom) hath effect for it, and we annihilate it with complete annihilation. "
[Qur'an 17:16]
[Qur'an 17:16]
Earthquake in Padang (again) at 17.58. The Qur'an says...
"There is not a township but We shall destroy it ere the Day of Resurrection, or punish it with dire punishment. That is set forth in the Book (of Our decrees)."
[Qur'an 17:58]
[Qur'an 17:58]
Earthquake in Jambi at 8.52. The Qur'an says...
"Their way is as the way of Pharaoh's folk and those before them; they disbelieved the revelations of Allah, and Allah took them in their sins. Lo! Allah is Strong, severe in punishment."
[Qur'an 8:52]
[Qur'an 8:52]
A sign from Allah (swt), or a mere coinkydink? Regardless, I still find it fascinating!
I'm expecting a bunch of non-Muslims to come to this blog post and try to argue against this possible sign of Allah (swt), and call it a mere coincidence or conspiracy theory. I'm not going to approve the comments through moderation (on my Blogspot). People just choose to not believe because they simply don't want to accept it.
They simply refuse to change the mindset that they have worked for their entire life to achieve.
"None except the disbelievers dispute the signs of Allah, therefore do not let their free movements in the land deceive you." [Qur'an 40:4]
A sign from Allah (swt), or a mere coinkydink? Regardless, I still find it fascinating!
I'm expecting a bunch of non-Muslims to come to this blog post and try to argue against this possible sign of Allah (swt), and call it a mere coincidence or conspiracy theory. I'm not going to approve the comments through moderation (on my Blogspot). People just choose to not believe because they simply don't want to accept it.
They simply refuse to change the mindset that they have worked for their entire life to achieve.
"None except the disbelievers dispute the signs of Allah, therefore do not let their free movements in the land deceive you." [Qur'an 40:4]
By: The Australian

Peace & respect ★