'Trees4Life' Invite You To Plant A Tree In Indonesia

Trees4Life Campaign, an environmental initiative ran by British Muslim activists, has launched ‘Poetry in Motion - The Green Poetry Challenge 2011’. The project has added eco-value by fundraising to plant trees in Indonesia where Trees4Life has already established Earth saving plans.

The poetry competition is open to all creative writers and invites you to write a poem about the environment. This is in support of the "Green Burqettes", three Muslim women from Manchester who recently took part in the Fusion Rally {http://thefusionrally.com} epic 5-day drive from London to Andalusia to help raise money to plant trees in Indonesia.

There are 3 categories of entrants; adults, secondary age pupils and primary age pupils, who are being invited to take part in the poetry challenge to write a poem about the environment.

MUSLIMNESS invites you to participate in this poetry challenge and make a donation towards their drive in the chance to win a fantastic trip and plant a beautiful sapling tree - a good deed and sunnah in itself.

Just £5 enters you into the challenge and buys you a tree. All submissions will receive an e-Certificate of Plantation acknowledging the planting of the tree in Indonesia.

Prizes include a trip to Kew Gardens, donated by Shining Ummah Awards (part of the Creative Muslim Network).

CLOSING DATE: Friday 21st October 2011

For full terms and conditions, details of the prizes and how to register visit:

Support environmental action by donating on the Green Burqettes fundraising page, www.charitygiving.co.uk/greenburqettes. Join the Trees4Life poetry challenge Facebook events page.

Abrar Hussain - Fusion Rally,
Ayman Raze - "Tawheed is Unity",
Naeem Darr - MDUK Media,
Shemiza Rashid - Creative Muslim Network.
More to be confirmed.

Sponsored by:
Islamic Travels and supported by
"Tawheed Is Unity", the Creative Muslim Network,
Shining Ummah Academy, YMWA, MWA, MDUK Media.

"Thanks for supporting the preservation of the Earth", Trees4Life Campaign Team.

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