Muslim Geniuses Baba Ali & iPoet Host Free Marriage Webinar, 'How To Know If They Are The One?'

In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ | Peace be with you السلام عليكم

How To Know If They Are The One?

Many young Muslims STRUGGLE to spot their potential spouse. So, how do you REALLY know if they are the ONE? Our hereafter (akhirah) will be greatly influenced by who we marry, do you agree?

In this Unique Marriage iWebinar:
- Baba Ali will share a NEVER HEARD before personal marriage experience!
- You'll see why it is a BIG MUST to ask your potential spouse relevant questions!
- Aaqib Ahmed, the founder of iPOET, will share his start up plans for the iMARRIAGE Project!
- And how iMARRIAGE aims to bridge the gap between Islam & culture through the wisdom of scholars!

MUXLIM Viewers: Check out the {"How To Know?" YT trailer} by brother Ali.

Register for this FREE online event by clicking 
{iPoet and Baba Ali @

Common questions answered:

1) Where is the iWebinar going to be?
We'll keep you in the e-mail loop insha'Allah and after you register we'll send you the iWebinar ONLINE Location Link.

2) Will the iWebinar hosts be able to answer my Islamic Marriage Questions?
Subhan'Allah, both brothers Ali and Aaqib are not Islamic Scholars, but we will handpick the most suitable questions to answer.

3) How can I support this iWebinar?
Please share this post on Fb and Twitter, and encourage your friends offline to visit the registration page, and share that link with their contacts inshaAllah. 

4) When I register through e-mail it says I need to print out the ticket, do I need to?
No. But save that email. Once you register, keep an eye out for our e-mail in which we'll send you the online location link.

Special thanks to the official sponsors and iWebinar partners of "How To Know?"

1) Elan Magazine
{read Elan's feature on HalfOurDeen - Revolutionizing Matchmaking for Muslims}
2) Muslim Community Fund
3) Muslimness
4) UCL ISoc

Date: Sunday, March 13, 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM (GMT) Convert starting times to your timezone
Venue: Online
Speakers: Baba Ali (Ummah Films) & Aaqib (iPoet)

For questions or potential partnership queries contact:

Register online NOW @ {iPoet and Baba Ali @

Best wishes and duas,

iPOET & Baba Ali - A Unique Muslim Matrimony Site - Poetry, Leadership & Social Media Growth for Young Muslims


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