Are you sick of talking about marriage?

I thought this was interesting = A program dedicated to the Muslim singles in society, specifically single Muslimahs. Let me know if this applies to you - how do you react? Do such programs really work? And what are you doing to help the singletons out there?

Are you tired of hearing about marriage?

Maybe you're getting sick of hearing it from me, but at the same time, end up listening anyhow hoping to learn something fascinating you don't already know about getting married... sound familiar?

If so, I totally understand. If you've been single for some time, or have had some not so grand experiences with the opposite gender, I would guess by now you have this kind of love/hate relationship with this subject.

What I want to tell you, though, is not to give up! In my Find Your Mr. Right program, I remember a sister telling me how she was getting older (almost 30) and feeling super desperate to get married, thinking she was going to have to settle for whoever showed up next at her parent's door.

With some work, though, and specific action items on her list, alhamdulellah, within 3 weeks things had turned around completely! She had met a great brother, and their families were
also very pleased with each other. Allahu Akbar.

Another sister I worked with once who was previously married, and nearly 30, was also feeling quite depressed. She wanted to be married, and felt like it was an impossible reality at this point in her life. Again, with a few months, things turned around completley, and I got to send her my congratulations on her wedding.

I could go on and on with stories like these. Not everyone walks away married in one month flat. Most women, though, walk away with much greater clarity about who they are, what they can do better, and believe they do have choices.

And something else really important changes: their attitude!

Think about it. If you feel super negative about marriage all the time, it will get expressed to others. I've had women send me angry and nasty emails asking me why I can't just find a man for them if I am such an "expert."

My first thought is usually, "even if I did know someone, I wouldn't recommend you for them
because your attitude right now tells me a lot more about your character than your marriage resume does!

I know it's natural to get frustrated, and lose hope sometimes, but I'm here to tell you that renewing your intentions for marriage, staying positive AND being proactive in the process can change things around.

I remember a sister I knew who was so negative when someone asked her why she wasn't married yet, or when she planned to get married. She would make cold comments, and say "It's none of your business."

She was fed up of everyone and their mothers being in her personal business..... until I told her that that each of those conversations were actually opportunities in disguise. For every aunty that asked, what damage would happen if she replied, "I pray soon, as I am looking. Please let me know if you have someone in mind," leaving it off with a pleasant smile? :)

I hope you get my point!

May Allah makes things easy for you, grant you a heart that has patience, guide you in all of your affairs, and grant you the best of this dunyah and akhirah, including a righteous husband. Ameen.

Megan Wyatt

Your "Finding Your Other Half" Coach
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