Too Many Muslim Networks?!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009 Read more → muslim blogs, online networking, Social-Media, Social-Networking, technology, websites In the name of God, entirely Compassionate, especially Merciful | Peace be with you
In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ | Peace be with you السلام عليكم

Then the Muslims caught on.
I'm a full on advocate for networking and meeting people: Go out there, share your ideas and what not. But why oh why oh why, must there be a 'religious' version of social networks? Do we people of faith need to bless our Tweets and switch our Myspace loyalty to Myduniya? Whaffor?! I think it's awesome that Muslim web designers and entrepreneurs are branching out their skills but my suggestion would be create something NEW.
To explain my networking dilemma these are the non-muslimness networks I'm a member of - albeit not a regular user, you know, I have an actual life in the real world with actual people -
Facebook | Twitter | Myspace | Muxlim | Deviant Art | TwitPic | Say Tweet | Flickr | Dopplr | 20SomethingBloggers | WordPress | Yahoo | Tumblr | Delicious...
That isn't even every network so there's an overload straight away. Onto some the networks with the Muslimness twist:
I wouldn't even classify all of them as 'muslim' per se. Just search 'Muslim networks' and you'll see my point. Which one's are more popular? Which ones are more trusting, more 'muslim', easy to use, helpful? Masha'Allah, it's totally awesome that there are THAT many, but do we need THAT many? Local inter-city networks are practical, international copycats, not so.
I see the irony too in my anti-muslim-networking yet severe addiction towards them. Eh, there's a talentless nerd under these glasses and headscarf too.
Personally I'd love to see a 'Muslim' platform where I could consolidate all the above networks and stamp that with 'Muslimness'. That hasn't been done yet and it would be a huge winner with larger companies. So if you're reading Mr Muslim Man with too much time on his hands, get a'working on that.
This is just my opinion, so I'd love to hear what you think of new Muslim networks. Are you a member of them? Will you join them? And will you sign my guestbook please so I have 300 comments within the next 24 hrs and beat last week's record...?
muslim blogs,
online networking,
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