Protection from swine flu?
Friday, August 07, 2009 Read more → Advice, dua, editor, messageoftheweek, the misanthrope In the name of God, entirely Compassionate, especially Merciful | Peace be with you
In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ | Peace be with you السلام عليكم
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So I got an email titled 'Seek protection from swine flu' thinking it was going to include some chain mail like anti-virus medical advice... Turns out Muslims are seeking refuge in God from it too. Like major refuge.
Here is the very appropriate dua (prayer) that was included:
The dua of Rasuloollah Sallallahu alaihe Wasallam
Allahumma inni aaoothubika minal junooni wal juthaami was barasi wa say'yi il asqaam.
"Oh Allah I seek your refuge from insanity, mutilation, leprosy and from all serious illnesses"
(Nasai Shareef)
Please foward to all contacts. Or else you will be cursed till the end of the month with hair loss and body fat!
Allahumma inni aaoothubika minal junooni wal juthaami was barasi wa say'yi il asqaam.
"Oh Allah I seek your refuge from insanity, mutilation, leprosy and from all serious illnesses"
(Nasai Shareef)
Please foward to all contacts. Or else you will be cursed till the end of the month with hair loss and body fat!
Peace & respect ★