A Global Muslimness Invitation
Friday, August 07, 2009 Read more → muslimness team, our popularity, the poet, the poetical In the name of God, entirely Compassionate, especially Merciful | Peace be with you

It’s the year 2009, and 143 decades since Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) sent down Islam as a way of life for humanity. Just over 2 billion Muslims later and still going strong, Islam has been a universally embraced lifestyle.
But whilst the truth sent down to the Dunya is free of error and Alhamdulillah, many of our brothers and sisters practise their Deen with enthusiasm and vigour, the sheer manmade essence of human error and sociological machinations has recently brought us a depressing slump of something far from what the Sunnah approves of. Let’s be frank, our Ummah is in serious need of repair, for what seems to be a rosy little society is hiding a multitude of issues and dilemmas that could divide our Muslim communities if left untreated.
The simplicity and RAINBOW essence of Islam is being distorted by things such as label-huggers, terrorists, certain cultural practices and with the internet, the ‘Wikipedia Shaykh’. Of course, that doesn’t mean we should bear the world’s weight on our shoulders. As Muslims, we all do what we can (Insha’Allah) to help spread the Islam and tackle the problems around us all. This is where Muslimness comes in.
And we, an upcoming league of intelligent and experienced SuperMuslims (by request or invite), want your Muslimness.
We’re not here to lecture you or feed you Islamic doctrines, for Alhamdulillah, there are many places you can find to help you on that front. At the same time, we’re not like the other Muslim sites out there. No, what you see is what you get here at Muslimness.
And what we will hopefully give you is top-notch content that exudes the very essence of Islam and Muslim lifestyles – Muslimness. This can range from anything. Yes, anything: intelligent observations, Muslimness experiences, poetry, short stories, animations, your contributions to Islam – the list is limitless, but you get the gist – we want content that shows your Muslim side, your state of mind and changing perceptions.
If you have anything that can help change perceptions and really enlighten the world then don’t hesitate to join up. Together we can help show our Muslimness to the world with earnest vigour based on the truth!