Obama: Change the Story
Thursday, July 30, 2009 Read more → america, American-Muslims, current affairs, Current-Affairs, interviews, uk, views In the name of God, entirely Compassionate, especially Merciful | Peace be with you
In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ | Peace be with you السلام عليكم
On behalf of Change the Story.com.
"What Do You Think?

President Barack Obama gave a speech in Cairo on June 4 in which he called for a new beginning between the U.S. and the Muslim World. (If you missed it, watch the video on Change the Story). "In our recent poll, about 75 percent of you said yes, the speech will help. The other 25 percent remains unconvinced. We'd like to thank our readers and fans from all over the world--from India to Norway to Nigeria and beyond--for participating in the poll. We, like you, think that the more people weigh in about U.S.-Muslim relations, the more our leaders will pay attention." We want to hear from you! Tell us your reaction to President Obama's speech by filling the quick form on our site." |
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