Book: 'Muslims In The Modern World' Shows Dr Hany's Humanness

dr hany muslim book author modern british

In the literary world of books on Islam, the average reader will fall short after the idiot's guide to Islam, or a more comprehensive and heavy-weight theological book, now used as a table support. We previously shared I Speak For Myself, American Muslims' reply to questions stemming from Islamophobic media reports, and ecological welfare inspired Dawud Wharnsby's A Picnic of Poems for children.

Another inspirational book from Kube Publishing is geared toward younger audiences: Muslims In The Modern World, by British author Suma Din.

Muslims In The Modern World, A Series
Muslims In The Modern world is a unique biographical series covering the lives and works of iconic figures from today's educational and humanitarian fields.

The first part of the series features Islam's own father-figure Dr Hany El Banna. Founder of the respected charity Islamic Relief Worldwide, and a loved activist, Dr Hany was recently found in Mogadishu, Somalia, where he sang rain prayers and entertained the orphans of famine struck Africa.

Suma Din's book is thoroughly researched and captures the humanness of Dr Hany. Her book takes readers on a chronological journey from the doctor's early days as a traveller and later presidency of Islamic Relief.

"Dr Hany El Banna, the founder of Islamic Relief Worldwide, is a tireless humanitarian activist working for the world’s poorest people. Follow his footsteps as he moves to the UK as a young doctor, only to become the president of a global humanitarian relief organisation.

From underground tunnels in war-torn Bosnia to the cyclone ravished villages of Bangladesh, find out what drove Dr El Banna to people in need. The story of his efforts to establish Islamic Relief around the world is at once a warm, inspiring and occasionally eccentric tale of humanity."
- Kube Publishing blog

Captivating and short, the series will brings together the lives and personalities of a range of influential and fascinating Muslim figures. They are filled with rare images, illustrated maps and personal anecdotes giving readers a unique viewpoint into their lives.

Do Muslim Books Have A Place In Education?
The series aims to especially inspire young readers outside of the Muslim faith and introduce them to a set of under-the-radar people from the modern world. I dare use the 'celebrity' status since renowned Muslim figures are respected and praised, not idolised, but this is a collection of books you cannot do without.

British educational institutions have delved into the Muslim cultural sphere more so over the past decade, one instance being the world class 1001 Muslim Inventions exhibition and book which was was funded for schools throughout the country.

Future names for the Muslim book series include,
  • Dr Hayat Sindi, the Muslim female scientist awarded this year as one of National Geographic’s Emerging Explorers and visiting scholar at Harvard; and
  • Malcolm X, the legendary human rights activist and Muslim convert from the USA.

Responses from the educational sector and mainstream Islamic courses confirm the need for more positive role models in schools, like Canadian children's book Khadijah Goes To School. This series addresses Muslim heritage and educates a wide age group with a sophisticated structure.

As another valuable resource for citizenship, history, humanities and religious education, Suma Din encourages British teachers to use Muslims In The Modern World for discussions on war, poverty, charity, marriage and struggle within the context of the exceptional Dr Hany.

"Pupils will find it inspirational, surprising and readable", says Suma Din's official site. Many other chapters of the book also have a link to the educational curriculum, covering topics as high as GCSE level, for students aged 16+.

One secondary school teacher from Buckhinghamshire said Muslims In The Modern World "is a positive and modern example of Islamic faith in action and as such fills a much felt void."

What Your Bookshelf Is Missing
Each biography is equipped with first-person quotes and anecdotes, exclusive full colour photographs of each featured figure. Taking on encyclopedic layouts, the books are separated with a time-line, glossary and bulleted lists, succinctly explaining Muslim practices and highlighting notable places in history. This will make a wonderful gift for Eid and ideal donation to your local school.

Part one and the books to follow, looks at the early life of the iconic faces, their family and upbringing, analysing the factors that led them to be leaders in their field. Faith plays an integral part for both the author and the figures she interviews in her books, part of the reason why Muslims In The Modern World is being pushed for academic involvement.

We like the book. A lot. We think you will too.

Order {Muslims In The Modern World} from Kube Publishing and from the author's site, {Suma Din}.

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