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Top Ten Ramadan Blogs

With a plethora of bloggers sharing their Ramadan experiences this year, we've shortlisted our favourite fasting blogs that we think provide excellent resources and ideas. Our list is in no particular order and while we wanted to include many more, we leave it open to share your own.

Which Ramadan blogs make your top ten?

1. Ramadan.co.uk, Community blog 
Ramadan.co.za, based in South Africa, is a community website that invites readers to share their Ramadan experience and provides spiritual advice for new Muslims, with a 'bootcamp' and 'tafseer' category. The blog pulls information from Asia, Africa and the Middle East, providing prayer timetables, halal recipes, and stacks a good collection of social and du`a related articles.

Follow the blog updates on::
Facebook.com/Ramadanblog and http://twitter.com/#!/ramadancoza

2. 30 Mosques In 30 Days
Now in its third year, the 30 Mosques duo Aman Ali and Bassam Tariq have hit the road again to meet America's Muslim community in 30 different states. They share stories of unique Muslims with a human angle that is touching and humorous. All that can be really added to an already wonderful project and media coverage is that we need the 30 Mosques road-trip in every country.

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3. The Ramadan Blog 
A celebratory website in part, the Ramadan blog has been around since 2008 and made itself a comfortable name amongst Ramadan bloggers. Amongst the recent Islamic articles, including 25 Prayers From The Qur'an, the Ramadan blog has a section on healthy eating habits, tips for fasting during the long summer days and guest videos of Qur'an recitations.

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4. SeekersGuidance - on Ramadan
An admirable educational institution, SeekersGuidance is an online haven for Muslim students with a diverse course range, videos, daily podcasts and a growing Ramadan reminders department. Search 'Ramadan' for all blog posts providing motivational counsel, videos from respected scholars, detailed guides to prayer and your fiqh questions answered.

Follow the blog updates on::
Facebook.com/seekersguidance and http://twitter.com/#!/seekersguidance

5. Tariq Ramadan Chronicles
In annual tradition, renowned professor Tariq Ramadan talks on a variety of topical issues on his audio Ramadan Chronicles. Speaking on spirituality, human conditions, the essence of fasting and traits (siffat) of Allah, learning from Ramadan's chronicles are a must this season.

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6. Wajahat Ali's Ramadan on Patheos
Wajahat Ali, Muslim American playwright, blogger and Attorney at Law, is writing his Ramadan experiences with refreshing wit and a practical rhetoric under the tagline 'Spiritual Appetite'. As published around the blogosphere, Ali's first article 'Ramadan State of Mind' can be read on HuffingtonPost. We think Wajahat Ali will appreciate your input too therefore do share your thoughts.

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7. Ramadan.co.uk
A true dedication to British spirit, Ramadan.co.uk supports local Ramadan radio channels, hosts a nifty online zakat calculator, a growing collection of downloadable resources, mp3s and continental recipes that truly reflect the multicultural hotpot that is Great Britain.

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8. Productive Ramadan
A creation of Productive Muslim, the Productive Ramadan blog focuses on a Muslim's active action, whether this is using their 'taskinator' for personalised checklists or their exciting Ramadan battle-plan articles.

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9. Ramadan Awareness Campaign
The Ramadan Awareness Campaign is an annual event supported by community volunteers and a budding supply of downloadable Ramadan plans. With a Kids corner, a Ramadan wall chart and onsite Qur'an recitation tools, Ramadan.com.au is a colourful community service to use this month.

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10. Read With Meaning, Teaching Qur'an with Lego
As an introduction to Islam's holy scripture, teaching children Qur'an through Lego is a bang-on fantastic idea. Mezba Mahtab, the blogger extraordinaire behind Read With Meaning, has illustrated each Quranic verse using innovative photography of Lego. It definitely captures the spirit of Quran with a child-friendly approach.

Follow the blog updates on::
http://readwithmeaning.wordpress.com and http://twitter.com/#!/Quran4Kids

VOTE NOW: Nominate your favourite Muslim blogs and social networking gurus on The 8th Brass Crescent Awards {http://brasscrescent.org}

Eco Muslim Blogs Make the WWW Greener
'BADASS Muslimahs', The Blog
Muslim Teacher Tips: Eight Core Principles
Link Love: Teaching Children Qur'an With Lego


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