Ramadan Tweets 2011 - Share Your Own #RamadanTips
Thursday, August 04, 2011 Read more → community, iconic muslims, muslimness in media, Social-Media, Social-Networking, technology, terrific tweets In the name of God, entirely Compassionate, especially Merciful | Peace be with you
As a celebration to welcoming the Islamic month of Ramadan, @MUSLIMNESS has put together this list of Ramadan 2011 messages from Twitter users across the world.
We're also sharing health and motivational advice through the Twitter hashtag #RamadanTip. Submit your own #RamadanTip tweet, share with your friends and help our faith grow this blessed month insha'Allah, God willing.
A huge greeting of Ramadan Mubarak to the following individuals and organisations:
→ https://twitter.com/#!/AmirKingKhan
We're also sharing health and motivational advice through the Twitter hashtag #RamadanTip. Submit your own #RamadanTip tweet, share with your friends and help our faith grow this blessed month insha'Allah, God willing.
A huge greeting of Ramadan Mubarak to the following individuals and organisations:
→ https://twitter.com/#!/AmirKingKhan
→ https://twitter.com/#!/farazrabbani
→ https://twitter.com/#!/ImamZaidShakir
→ https://twitter.com/#!/imran
→ https://twitter.com/#!/ImamZaidShakir
→ https://twitter.com/#!/loveinheadscarf
→ https://twitter.com/#!/shMuhammad
→ https://twitter.com/#!/outlandishDK
→ https://twitter.com/#!/TeamPalestina
→ http://twitter.com/#!/thenarcicyst
→ https://twitter.com/#!/tariqramadan
→ https://twitter.com/#!/shMuhammad
→ https://twitter.com/#!/outlandishDK
→ https://twitter.com/#!/TeamPalestina
→ http://twitter.com/#!/thenarcicyst
Catch the coolest and most spiritual tweets from MUSLIMNESS on twitter.
Be sure to submit your own #RamadanTip tweet and send {M} Editor Zaufishan your Ramadan messages on our page {Facebook.com/MuslimnessMedia}.
iconic muslims,
muslimness in media,
terrific tweets
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