Monthly Qur'anic Seminar With BAQS On 'Being Different'

British Academy of Qur'anic Studies (BAQS) presents its Monthly Quranic Seminars -  a one-day intensive course on: Being Different!

Register with the British Academy of Qur'anic Studies to study the Tafsir (explanation) of Surahs al-Jumuah, al-Munafiqun and at-Taghabun. (Qur'an chapters 62-64).

Throughout these Qur'an chapters Allah teaches humanity and warns us against the pitfalls of previous nations and how we can be different from them. What do you really know about Allah’s warning and how do you differ from the previous nations?

This is a unique line-up of three significant chapters, all very different but with many common themes. During the course of this event and the tafsir of these unique chapters you will:
  • Find out the similitude Allah likened a donkey laden with books
  • Understand the comparison between the Sabbath of the Jews and the Friday prayer of the Muslims
  • Explore what actions were so grievous that the Prophet (s) supplication for forgiveness is not answered and why?
  • Learn what can lead someone to becoming a loser?
  • Protect yourself by understanding how much harm can someone afflict upon you?
  • Learn which two factors can distance you from the remembrance of Allah?
Join BAQS in the study of these remarkable chapters, by registering online at {}.

Professor Muhammad Abdel Haleem
Professor Abdel Haleem was born in Egypt, a Qur'an hafidh, was educated at Al-Azhar University, Cairo, and Cambridge Universities. Since 1995, he has been Professor of Islamic Studies at the school of Oriental Studies and African Studies, University of London. His most recent publications are Understanding the Quran: Themes and Style (2001) and An Arabic-English Dictionary of Quranic Usage, with E. Badawi (2007). He is also the Editor of the Journal of Quranic Studies and the London Quran Studies series.

Imam Ahmad Faruq

Imam Ahmad Faruq’s preliminarily studies of Islam and the Islamic Sciences were with his father Shaykh Muhammad Abdul Qadir, a renowned scholar of the Qur'an specialising in Qur'anic exegesis (tafsir). Imam Ahmad Faruq completed his memorisation of the Qur'an and studied Arabic Language at the Institut Européen des Sciences in France. He then went on to study Arabic literature, grammar, logic, jurisprudence, theology, tafsir, ahadith and other Islamic sciences with scholars in Syria and completed the BA Islamic Jurisprudence course from Ma’had al-Fath, Syria. Imam Ahmad Faruq also pursued his studies at the Faculty of Shariah & Law and graduated from Al-Azhar University (Egypt). Currently, he is working as a Muslim Chaplain for the NHS.

Date: Saturday 2nd July, 2011
Time: 9.00am – 6.30pm
Venue: Law Building, Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS. (Nearest tube station: Mile End station)
Price: £30 (after 27th June). Course material and refreshments are included.

Register now online at {}

For more info get in touch:  e |  t | (UK) 07092 813 541


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