Emergency Appeal - Fundraising For Japan, Islamic Relief & Muslims For Japan

Reuters / Kyodo courtesy of Alertnet.org
EMERGENCY ONGOING APPEALS. Muslimness.com is supporting Fundraising For Japan, Islamic Relief, Muslims For Japan and PayPal's online fundraising. Please donate what you can, jazakumallah khairan.

“This is Japan's most severe crisis since the war ended 65 years ago.” - Japan’s Prime Minister Naoto Kan

The need is urgent. Donate today.

Current situation
(Updated: March 16, 12:28 p.m. Eastern Time)
The threat of nuclear disaster looms large days after Japan’s most devastating natural disaster in recorded history – a magnitude 9.0 quake and the tsunami it triggered – has damaged a nuclear power plant and led to to unsafe levels of radiation.

The Japanese government has issued a warning and urged all those living within 20 km (12 miles) of the plant to evacuate or stay indoors. Radiation has been detected as far as Tokyo.

The quake-tsunami has left up to 100,000 people homeless, according to some estimates, and destroyed more than 600,000 homes.

For the seventh straight day, survivors are living with little food, water and electricity.

Temperatures are dipping to freezing levels, but many do not have access to heating or warm clothing. Hospitals are running out of medicine and supplies, and sick and injured survivors are struggling to find treatment.

You can help provide disaster relief to Japan’s survivors. Donate today.

Aftershocks are continuing to rattle the island nation, some as strong as magnitude 6.0. More than 6,000 people are confirmed dead or missing, according to official police tallies, but the actual figures are feared to be much higher.

Japan's Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, called the disaster “[Japan's] most severe crisis” since World War II.

Islamic Relief teams in Malaysia, Indonesia and China have been requested by the Japanese government to be on standby and are closely monitoring the situation.

You can help the victims of this disaster. Donate today.

Disaster facts:
- 9.0 magnitude quake, 250 miles northeast of Tokyo
- More than 150 aftershocks
- 10,000 homeless (Japanese government)
- 6,000 dead or missing (Japanese police)
- 200,000+ evacuated due to damage to nuclear reactor
- Experts say the quake tilted the earth’s axis by 6.5 inches
- Fears of nuclear crisis after several power plant explosions

Islamic Relief is responding. Donate today.

Fundraising For Japan.com was set up in urgent response to the earthquake that shook the country. 

Our campaign involves:
- Making donating accessible to our online media audience
- Allowing supporters to raise awareness of our campaign through social media by using the links and free themes and profile pictures provided

Use the social media tab on Fundraising For Japan to download free profile images and backgrounds for Facebook and Twitter to update your profile with our campaign.

To contact us please email us at info@fundraisingforjapan.com. All funds raised go directly to the Global Giving Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund.

MUXLIM VIEWERS: Watch {Japan's devastating YT tsunami video by AlJazeeraEnglish}

Muslims For Japan (Helping Hand)

Updates, March 15, 2011: Japan Tsunami Relief

Within hours of the earthquake, Helping Hand for Relief and Development launched the 'Muslims for Japan' Campaign. An estimated 10,000 people have died, several thousands are unaccounted for, and over 300,000 people have been displaced and the death toll is continuously rising.

There is a shortage of everything, from food, water and shelter to transportation.

HHRD Teams have set 6 collection points across Tokyo and nearby cities of Gumma, Chiba, Gifu and Ibraki.

The following items are being collected & distributed from these sites in Japan: Blankets, diapers, flash lights, rice, gloves, masks, dry fruits and water.

Please donate generously at www.hhrd.org or visit the HHRD dedicated website for Japan Tsunami Relief at www.MuslimsforJapan.org

For more information and your kind donations, please visit www.hhrd.org/donate

Thank you, The HHRD Team

→ Finally, Make an immediate $25 contribution through Paypal Donations.

Jazakallah khairan, may God reward you for your efforts. Please keep the people of Japan in your prayers.

Sr. Zaufishan.


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