UK Event: In The Way Of God' A Tafsir Of Surah Al-Hadid With IIDR

Surah al-Hadid is directed to the social rather than individual consideration. One of the distinguishing characteristics of the Muslim society is that all its activities are directed to Allah. The whole society is dedicated to playing its destined part in the universal order. The task of the Muslim community is to recognise Allah and to make Him recognised, and to worship Him and to make it easy for others to worship.

"There truly is a reminder in this for whovever has a heart, whoever listens attentively." (Qur'an, Qaaf:37)

Attend this course with Islamic Institute for Development & Research to strengthen and affirm your faith, action, reliance and trust in Allah (swt) in your life. Those who affirm faith in Him and pass their life fearing Allah's accountability, will be given by Allah a double share of His mercy and He will bless them with the Light by which they will see and walk the straight path among the crooked paths met with at every step in the life of this world.

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The Prophet ﷺ used to recite Surahs of glorification before sleeping and he said that there is a verse in them which is better than a thousand verses. [Tirmidhi 5/181]
NB: These Surahs are: Al-Hadid, Al-Hashr, As-Saf, Al-Jum’ah and At-Tagabun 

Date: Saturday 15th January, 2011
Time: 9.00am – 6.30pm
Venue: Francis Bancroft Building, Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS
[nearest tube station: Mile End station]
Instructor: Imam Mohammed Adil Rehman; has degree in Computer Science from London as well a Diploma in Arabic Language and a Bachelors degree in Usul ad-Din and Usul al-Fiqh from the Institut Europeen des Sciences, France.
Fee: £30 (Course material and refreshments included)

For more information: e |  t | 07092 813 541  w |


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