Pakistan Documentary Producer Wants To Interview You

The Film Maker: Amir Jaffer is a San Francisco (CA) based indie filmmaker {Aisha Media} and is currently working on a documentary about Pakistan, with a focus on terrorism, women's rights and democracy. The purpose of this documentary is to clear misconceptions about Islam with a focus on the political situation in Pakistan.

The Documentary: With half of the documentary filmed from last fall (autumn), Amir and his team are in the process of filming the remainder in San Fran, the Bay Area.

The Courageous Part: Amir is looking for individuals to be interviewed for the documentary. We know some people are afraid to be on camera and talk about these issues, but it is important for 'moderate' and progressive Muslims to step forward and talk, both men and women. Wherever you are located, if you're willing to participate - interviews can be done through Skype - so get in touch!

MUXLIM VIEWERS: Watch {Allah's Frontier Movie on YouTube}

Those willing to participate, will be asked their views on the following:
1) The definition of jihad and how it separates it from present day terrorism?
2) Elaborate on Women's Rights in Islam? Are Honor Killings Islamic?
3) Is democracy compatible with Islamic law? Does democracy have to be western style or should it be more organic, depending on the country, culture and religion?
4) What is ijtihad? Do we need to revive the true spirit of ijtihad to solve the problems facing the Muslim Ummah?

And specifically about Pakistan:
1) According to Quaid-e-Azam, was Pakistan meant to be a Modern Islamic State (similar to what Turkey is today) or a Theocratic State (similar to Saudi Arabia or Iran)?
2) Why is Pakistan in the mess it is today? What are some of the solutions to get out of the current mess?
3) Is Pakistan really an epicenter of Terrorism/ Is it "Terror Central"? How did this happen?
4) What people think about the Women's Protection Bill passed under the Musharraf Regime?
5) Should the Blasphemy Law be repealed? Is that law fair and not misused for personal reasons? What do they think about Governor Taseer's Assassination?

Documentary deadline: May 2011
Discussion panels will be held after every screening and local organizations and cities are encouraged to host these. Besides film festivals, community organizations will be welcomed to show this documentary to their members and get the debate going.

To be part of this documentary and for more info:

Amir Jaffer


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