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Link Love: Working Muslim

In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ Peace be with you السلام عليكم

Do you feel as if you are being paid to exist?
What motivates you to keep working?

Working Muslim.com :: The leading champion for dispelling Muslim women stereotypes and working towards empowering Muslim women. Sponsored by Muslimness.

Aisha has a regular 9 - 5 job, she feels emotionally drained, fed up and tired all the time. Although she sees her kids and husband every day she misses them and would like to spend more quality time with them... Then Aisha received the Working Muslim e-book and completed the workouts at her own pace. Alhamdulillah she is now on the journey to balance.

Many of us work longer hours than '9 - 5', doing something we don’t really enjoy and are stuck in a cycle of work - rushed weekends, work, and looking forward to our retirement. If you want the average life then look away now.

Download Working Muslim's ebook now
What: Working Muslim, the leading project for working Muslim Women, announced its official launch in November 2010. Working Muslim aims to provide a discourse on female choices around work, education, or staying at home as a mother or wife. 

Aim: Working Muslim aims to change the misconception of Muslim women in the workplace, leaving the definition of workplace a fluid and dynamic concept.

While the existence of a glass ceiling for women in the workplace is an established fact, anecdotal evidence shows the presence of a "concrete ceiling" for working Muslim women in all spheres. The vision of Working Muslim is to enable women to create more balance in their lives, by making decisions that would best amplify their contribution to faith, family and society – all three complementary to one another.
"We want to empower women with the skills they need to make the right choices. Working Muslim is not about telling women what to do. Rather, we aim to assure each woman at each juncture of her life that she will easily have information available to make informed choices and attain a proper work life balance around societies demands on her." {Read more: MPACUK}

“Muslim women are free and their voices need to be heard. Let us not forget that it was only after the Prophet Muhammad  married Khadijah (ra) that Allah chose to send him down revelation. She was a pillar in business. She was a pillar in her religion. She was a pillar for her family and community. May Allah grant success to WorkingMuslim.com” - Shaykh Navaid Aziz, Al-Maghrib Institute Professor and founder of myspiritualfix.com
One solution: Working Muslim has created a powerful e-book complete with 'workout motivators' to practically sift through your work load and balance your roles as a working Muslim woman.

70% of Muslim women mothers report they don't have enough time for their children. This is your first step to providing that time and organising your productivity.

Sign up and download the free e-book from Working Muslim. Share with all your networks!

Watch the great Working Muslim trailer on Facebook (similar trailer on Islamic Tube)


A quick note from → Zaufishan, MUSLIMNESS creator

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