Charity Week: What's goin' on at Leeds uni?

In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ Peace be with you السلام عليكم

This Week's Event Details 1st-7th Nov

Location: Leeds

Charity Week is upon us, the time when we can make a difference to orphans all across the world, literally. From Africa to Europe to Asia to South America. Our chance to change this world is here and now. Here is what the Islamic Society has planned throughout the week to get involved;

All week Long:
Krispy Kreme Selling. These dohnuts are spherically amazing, and they don't taste too bad either.

Sponge the exec:
Thanks to the exec of LUU, we will have the chance to throw wet sponges at the exec comittee, all for a nominal price. Will also be featuring members of the Isoc comittee, yes that all means we get to throw sponges at Thawhid. Mr President. A chance not be missed.

Wednesday 3rd Nov
Arabian Dream: A Ladies Night.
A night of Arabian dreams, ladies only, featuring fantastic performances, pampering delights and exclusive stalls. Pampering includes; hair, nails, make-up, henna and massages and a variety of stalls.
- Entertainment?… Come see for yourself! Entry fee £5. All proceeds go to charity.
Facebook event details: {Arabic Dream}

Guy's night in
Starts with The Football tournament at Weetwood Playing Fields, 2pm-6pm, £25.00 a team. There is a prize for the winning team. Contact Ahsan on mob: 077380 78678, for more info.

"Anything the sisters can do, we can do better". A night of chillin', gaming and eating with the bros. Put tahujjad prayer in there as well and it can get better. £5.00 entry.

Thursday 4th Nov
This is gonna be collection day, we are gonna be everywhere the streets, bus station and the train stationa. Costumes are helpful, gives more of a reason for people to donate. NB: If you want to collect on the streets or at the stations, you will need a permit. Email to get one.

Sunday 7th Nov
Auction Dinner. Time & Place: 1830, Maliks Restaurant. £12.00 a head
11 Merrion Way, Leeds, LS2 8BT. Tel: 0113 246 8828.

Loads of really cool items will be on auction including islamic art, Al-Maghrib Tickets and so much more.

Other Activities
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For info email

REMEMBER: All of the proceeds go to the Islamic Relief Orphan Fund!


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