Introducing the Amazing Muslim Community Fund

In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ Peace be with you السلام عليكم

Introducing the MCF
The 'Muslim Community Fund' is a pioneering charitable foundation focused on the lasting, holistic, development of the Muslim Community, primarily in 'the West' (England, UK). "We hope to lead a new era of ‘charity’, bringing together the resources of our community in the hope of contributing to the actualisation of a more better world."

The Muslim Community has remarkable potential, stemming from within: "We have a heartfelt desire, with God’s mercy, to realise that potential; to develop our organisations that work so hard to serve us, to expand and enhance the limited social services that serve our community, to ensure our youth have access to the platforms and services which will enable them to realise their God-given potential, to ensure our Mosques are centres of the community, that they provide broad, holistic services, including but also beyond theology and spirituality."

MCF Work - The MCF have entered the roots of development.

  • Youth & Students: Student Societies and Youth Groups Programme

Almost 50% of the Muslim Community in the UK, is below the age of 30. An unusually young community, with a lot of potential. This is currently their main support scheme, whereby they provide support through resources, advice and networking - to help student societies and youth groups develop in a sustainable way.

  • Food & Friendship

As oppose to simply distributing food, to those who have received other blessings from their Creator, MCF encourage all Sisters and Brothers, to have informal, and open gatherings for people to come together, talk to each other, and eat - hopefully building bonds between diverse people, in the hope of creating sustaining relationships, to provide mutual support, where possible. Recent Iftar gatherings have proved successful.

MCF also support sponsorships and grant proposals. Contact MCF directly here.

If you're a bright spark wishing to donate ideas & spare change, click here.

Be the Change. Support your Muslim Community


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