How to deal with Spiritual Depression

In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ Peace be with you السلام عليكم

I heard you were feeling down?

I wanted to share three things that you can do to help yourself feel better:

1. Nothing helps like exercise to release the built up energy and dhikr at the same time to bring tranquility to the heart. Think of making istighfar while you're jogging, or shopping.

2. If you notice in the Qur'an Allah does not give a detailed description as to what Jannah will be like. That's because our minds naturally like to wonder and ponder over enjoyment and pleasure. As a nice activity think about what you would like to be doing in Jannah and draw it out or brainstorm with friends to "mindmap" words that remind you of Jannah. Put it up on a wall or a place you look frequently (a mirror perhaps) and every time you're feeling down seeing it it will cheer you up. Tell yourself, this is what I am aiming for inshaAllah!

3. Saving the best for last! Make two columns on paper. In the left column note everything that is getting you down and making you upset. In the right column note all of the blessings that Allah has given you. You'll see that the right column is always greater than the left column, post this somewhere up as well as a regular reminder to you. If you want to intensify the activity put a money value on column 1  (how much would you pay to get rid of this) and then put a value to each item in column 2 (how much would you pay to keep this blessing. This intensifies the experience even more. Remind yourself the worth of the struggle.

In the Qur'an, surah Al-Falaq (Chapter 113) the word “falaq” [to crack and sever] is used instead of “subh” which means “dawn,” because it reminds us that, the One who has the power to split darkness with the light of the sun, has the power to split the darkness and evils that haunt our lives with the light of faith.

Did you benefit from this? Please forward it to your friends!

May Allah purify and rectify our hearts. Ameen!
Was salam 'alaikum wa rahmatullah
-Navaid Aziz

Brought to you by: My Spiritual Fix

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