Charity Week 2010 The Official Trailer: What's goin' on?

In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ Peace be with you السلام عليكم
Charity Weeks: in Oct/Nov 2010. 

Charity Week (CW) is a student-run organisation dedicated to the welfare of orphan children. - The Official Charity Week 2010 Trailer:

{MUXLIM VIEWERS: Watch the Official Trailer by OneCharityWeek}

The idea behind Charity Week is simple; to unify in our efforts to help those in need by raising money and awareness for orphans across the world.

“Save yourself from the (Hell) Fire even with half a date (to be given in charity). And if you do not find a half date, then with a good pleasant word.” [Al-Bukhari]

Did you know...

-There are approximately 150 million orphans around the globe?
- 8% of all children worldwide are orphans?
- About 42,200 children are orphaned every day?
- About 10.6 million (8%) of all children will die of preventable causes before age five?
- 5.4% of all children will die before age one?

This is the sad reality of the poverty stricken nations around the globe whose people have barely anything to live upon.

Allah Most High says in the Qur’an, "So as for the orphans, do not oppress them, and as for beggars, do not berate them," (93:9-10) and the Almighty says, "Have you seen him who denies the deen? He is the one who harshly rebuffs the orphan and does not urge the feeding of the poor." (107:1-3)

One of the most notable attributes of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and his companions was their generosity.

Umar Ibn Al-Khattab used to roam the cities of Madinah at night in search of people who were in need and in once instance, His son Abdullah would be seen earning riches in one day and borrowing a loan during another because he distributed his wealth among the needy. Ibn Umar also encouraged the feeding of poor people and often ate alongside orphans. He would also rebuke his children for neglecting the needy and treating the rich by saying to them 'You invite the rich and forsake the poor'!

Abu Bakar As-Saddique used to attend to a blind old lady on the outskirts of Madinah and give her provisions without her knowledge of who he was! Abdur Rahman Ibn Auf once gave his full caravan of goods to the needy upon hearing glad tidings, the caravan was so big that when it was approaching Madinah it looked as if it were a sand storm!

Hassan ibn Ali would give 100,000 dirhams to a single person and would say 'Fulfilling the need of my brother is dearer to me than a month in seclusion in the mosque (itikaf)'. His brother Hussain ibn Ali would not refuse any person that would ask for help at his doorstep.

Upon being called 'a sea of generosity' Abdullah ibn Jafar said:

'Verily, Allah has made me accustomed (to receiving bounty from him) and I have made the people accustomed (to receiving charity from me) and I am afraid that if I cut it off, it (i.e., Allah custom of giving me) will be cut off from me!'

The scholars and righteous individuals of the past would practice the common phrase
'A giving hand is better than a taking hand'.

Ibn 'Umar reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "The Muslim is the brother of the Muslim. He should not wrong him nor surrender him to his enemy. Allah will take care of the needs of anyone who takes care of the needs of his brother. On the Day of Rising Allah will dispel the anxiety of anyone who dispels the anxiety of another Muslim. On the Day of Rising Allah will veil anyone who veils another Muslim." [Agreed upon]

A common colloquial phrase goes like this 'You talk the talk, now walk the walk'. So don't just stand there! Get involved in helping the needy!

I finish off with this hadith, a man once came to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as he wanted to give his pledge of allegiance but could give charity and participate in the struggle. The Prophet (peace be upon him) replied '‘No sadaqah and no struggle! How can you then enter into Jannah?'' [Narrated by Al Hakim]

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