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In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ Peace be with you السلام عليكم

23rd September Twenty-Ten

My Spiritual Fix http://www.myspiritualfix.com video blog by Sh Navaid Aziz. Fix it now!

Women Take Center Stage at Opening of Clinton Global Initiative: http://chn.ge/b6jeX6

I uploaded a YouTube video - GPU 2010 Hajj Exhibition http://youtu.be/qUikAXpTzVc?a

"God did not send me to be harsh, or cause harm, but He sent me to teach and make things easy."

RT @GreenProphet Jordan To Host Islam And Environment Event | Green Prophet http://awe.sm/5Avu6

how to dissect a nation, house-by-house… {http://imrn.me/db0LQo via @jranck} #palestine

11 cases of potential land-use discrimination against Muslims: the U.S. Justice Department inspects http://bit.ly/hateacts 

An absentee father spends long hours engaged in voluntary community service, at the expense of time with his family. http://ow.ly/2FzOZ 

our take on the controversial photo taken at the White House (or rather photoshopped), running in an Egyptian newspaper:http://bit.ly/bsD03S 

Now taking nominations for the seventh annual Brass Crescent Awards, honoring the best of the Muslim web: http://brasscrescent.org

Mohammad (sa) said, "Smiling at others is charity, and a kind word is charity ." Did you smile at anyone today? Did you say a nice word?...

Wind parted the Red Sea, but who sent the wind? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-11383620

Humility does not mean you think less of yourself. It means you think of yourself less ~ Ken Blanchard.

ILLUME EXCLUSIVE: "FLYING FREE" - Soaring Past Stereotypes of Afghan Women http://illum.es/ckdXzo

Why do Muslim women wear hijab? WhyIslam.org explains (video) http://bit.ly/bsGLWt

the eco muslim @Emel: 40ways to make the Ramadan spirit Last 'WANT LESS' http://goo.gl/b/WIzU

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