Love of God and Respect for His commandments

In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ Peace be with you السلام عليكم

Part 1 | Part 2

Your journey in life will be put aright through the rectitude of your heart and limbs. The heart is rectified by two things:

(1) The love of God taking precedence over all other loves in your life, so that if this love and the love of something else presented themselves to you, the love of God would come first and your actions would follow that order.

It is very easy to speak about all this and yet we know how diffcult it is to practice it! But it is by being tested that one is honoured or humbled. And think how much more frequently will someone give precedence to what they themselves love and desire, or what some important ruler, shaykh or family member loves, above what is loved by God? For many persons, the love of God does not come before any other love; it is not the queen ruling over his heart.

For such persons, it is God’s way to turn the object of their love and everything that's related to it into a source of grief and sorrow, in return for having placed his own desires and the desires of those people who esteem or love him higher than his love of God. For God has decreed, as a part of destiny which cannot be turned back or repelled, that if you love something other than God, you will surely be tormented by it - it will not bring you the benefit you hoped. That one who fears someone other God will come under his control; that one who involved himself with something to the exclusion of God will find it a source of grief; that one who prefers another to God will not be blessed therein; and that one who tries to please another being by doing anything displeasing to God, will, without fail, bring God’s anger upon himself. Think about your intentions!

(2) The second way by which to put your heart aright is to venerate the Divine Laws (ta’zim al-amr wa l-nahi) out of veneration for the One who sent them. To anyone who lacks this veneration, God asks, ‘What ails you that you do not hope for God’s protection?’ This is interpreted to mean, ‘What is wrong with you that you do not fear God, Most High, in His Majesty?’

Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, The Invocation of God

Editor - The Misanthrope
By The Misanthrope | Peace & respect ★


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