'Fighting for Queen and Country'

In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ | Peace be with you السلام عليكم

A poem written from the perspective of a non-Muslim soldier who is questioning the invasion and occupation of Islamic lands.

Fighting against the enemy

Those opposed to our beliefs and ideology

Planning deadly attacks against our home territory

Hence we invade

And consolidate

Our colonial outposts once more

Like before

The enemy is invisible

But has views which are incompatible

With Secular Democracy

Wants to take the world back to the dark ages

For centuries

So we fight for queen and country

Against the evil enemy

Whose weapon is terror and mayhem

The enemy attacks constantly

Landmines and fatalities

We suffer constantly

While they disappear

And hide, but only to re-appear

Hitting us when we least expect it

And filling us with fear and dread

Our casualties mount and increase

While re-enforcements arrive slowly

The dead make the news

And affect public views

While the wounded are hidden and ignored

Because they are an economic burden

And not good for morale or recruitment

The public back home

See us as a source of shame

The reason why they are targets

For reciprocal and retaliatory attacks

And want us back

They no longer believe the lies and fiction

Which are spun by the media and politicians

Sometimes I wonder

Whilst watching my comrades get buried under

Why the natives hate us

And support the insurgents

No longer smile and wave

Or see us as brave

Are we not the heroes and liberators?

Freeing them from the evil Islamists ?

They see us as invaders

Colonisers, rapists, murderers

Looters and imperialists

And hence they fight and resist

For Allah and their hereafter

Continuing the war of attrition

To see who gives up first

And the way things are going

Seems we’ll be returning

Either in a coffin or tails between our legs

Peace & respect ★ www.Muslimness.com


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