'Males are the Source of all World Problems'

In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ | Peace be with you السلام عليكم

Original article on Halim Naeem | Muslim Masculinity and Manhood

Yes, I said it. Males are the source of all world problems. But let us remember, there is a difference between males and men. Males simply have a penis, higher levels of testosterone, and usually more physical strength and a deeper voice. Men, real men have values and principles to guide those tools. So as stated before it is simply the males who bring demise upon society and not women.

Why males and not females? It is because of our nature. The nature of man is to protect the spirit, mind and body of a woman. The nature of the woman is to support man and inject beauty and life into the relationship between male and female, and into the world. Most of the problems you see in females are direct or strongly connected effect of corrupt males. For example, our perception of beauty in western cultures. The male perception of beauty and attractiveness is corrupted by the undying lusts within our carnal desire. We want women to show more skin. Once they show us all their skin we want them to fulfill our every fantasy.

Once that is done enough times, we have no use for them anymore and repeat the same process with another woman, and another after that. The women buy in because their nature is the need to be seen as beautiful and inject beauty in the world. The males buy in because out of their lust, they want to see more and more. There are billions of dollars in this cycle and people are greedy, which then leads to more evils. This started because males did not control themselves.

If you are a man, and you have a corrupt woman in your life, then first, stop whining about her and change yourself! I used to be of those who whined. Then I talked to another man and he put some things in perspective for me on this issue. I came to realize that if you want to make things better in your relationship, then you need to change yourself for the better. If the woman is still full of malice, then you need to part ways. Not everyone in love needs to spend their whole life together. Not everyone in love needs to be together.

Though the source of all problems with the world are with corrupt males, women can do something to change this situation as well. The most important thing a woman can do is choose a man that respects her. That means if he does things that make you feel uncomfortable and worthless, then do know that in some way he is corrupting your spirit. As for the males, to change the situation of the world to be better, you simply need to show another male how to be a man. If you do not know how, then seek out another real man and learn from him. We have defined in previous entries what a real man is. So seek that out, perpetuate it and you will begin to see change throughout the world.

A final example that embodies why males are the source of all problems. Imagine Fort Knox, or some huge place where locked inside of it are treasures of the world (gold, silver, platinum, etc.) If someone were to break into the place and take some of the treasures or corrupt it or damage it, then what would you place fault upon? No one in their right mind would blame the gold. You would say there was a lack of security or a hole in the protection system. The treasure is the woman and is not to be blamed for the corruptions in the world. The security system is the male and deserves the blame. Proper development will fend off all types of corruptions. Thus, Males developed into real men will obliterate the source of most world problems.

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