My Miscarriage - The Islamic Perspective

In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ | Peace be with you السلام عليكم

Having a baby in a lot of Muslim countries is not seen as something important, but a routine that a woman has to go through. It is inevitable and a consequence of marriage. At times in other less advantaged countries there is little medical help available and mother and child can be at risk. However we forget how much importance is given to motherhood in Islam, the formation of a baby and the pain a mother goes through to bring the tiny life into this world in the Qur'an. There are blessings in the creation of a human and Allah shows us His glory and Power through the various stages of the baby’s development. To acknowledge this glory we must give greater respect to mothers, to pregnant women and to children. The birth which we take for granted is actually a miracle in itself – to have a healthy fully formed live baby.

Since my miscarriage over 14 years ago I have researched on this subject and found the Islamic rulings as follows:

1. If the child is born alive and dies after a short while, the child should be named, have a ghusl, (washed by following Islam's teaching on cleanliness), shrouded in a normal kaffan (3 white sheets to form part of a coffin) and janazah salat (the Muslim funeral prayer) should be offered. Basically, a full adult funeral.

2. If the child is born after 8 months but is still born (or all the body parts are fully formed even if the time period is less; and is not alive upon birth), the child should be named, a full ghusl should be performed, wrapped in one piece of white cloth (not a full kafan) and buried without the janaza salat.

According to Prophetic ahadith The ‘ruh’ or soul of life is put into the foetus at four months. The foetus is therefore considered alive after this time.

[For more information read, a personal account on, and a ruling again]

I hope I have shed some light on this topic and people will not feel shy or scared to talk about this. It is part of our personal jihad (struggle) in life that we go through testing times. Allah tests us through our wealth, children and spouses (Qur'an, 3:186). May He give us the patience and strength to accept it. My children are aware of their baby sister and they have named her 'Aisha. We go and visit her grave sometimes and this brings us closer to Allah and the knowledge that nothing is permanent and death is inevitable.

How fully are we prepared for it?

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By The Explorer | Peace & respect ★ |


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