Message of the Week
Sunday, November 08, 2009 Read more → messageoftheweek, the wanderer In the name of God, entirely Compassionate, especially Merciful | Peace be with you

As Muslims we fail often on controlling our tongues. Hurtful words and loud retorts rolls off it in a very immodest manner and in that emotional state we can forget Allah is watching us.
Remember that every word you utter - and type - will be important evidence for the good reward you receive insha'Allah and any punishment you are due.
“There is not a single word uttered by people, that is not recorded by an angel, always watching, ready to record it.” Holy Quran, Surah Qaaf, verse 18
So imagine you're being filmed all the time, a camera and diligent crew who watch and write down your every move and speech, filed away by date, location and time.
“Verily, your Lord is Ever-Watchful." Holy Quran, Surah Al-Fajr, verse 14
Once you become aware of that camera and angellic beings all the time, your actions adapt and you become extremely careful of not doing anything wrong. This state of being helps a Muslim attain TAQWAH.
That is our message = Think before you speak and remember that 'shoulder angels' are always noting (only) the halal and haram committed by you. Make them all good deeds inshaAllah.