Generous Waves: Charity Week

In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ | Peace be with you السلام عليكم

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakhatuh!

I pray you’re in the best of health and imaan as always.

Okay as I did mention Charity Week in the previous post, let me tell you in explicit detail:

Charity Week is a student run initiative that encourages individuals to sacrifice a bit of their time and direct their skills and talents to a great cause. Its success is entirely dependant on the commitment shown by students and the end result is a reflection on Muslim students in the UK.

University life can impose significant stress on students with exams and coursework deadlines but is also an incredible opportunity to experience and do many new things - use your time and talent to make a difference, providing the perfect opportunity to gain valuable experience in fundraising. Charity Week is also an excellent example of the Muslim student community uniting and co-operating to help those less fortunate.

It is one week in the year, where Islamic societies, colleges, schools, community associations and businesses from across the country come together to raise crazy amounts of money for orphans and needy children around the world!

“And they feed for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan and the captive. We feed you for the sake of Allah alone: no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks”
(Quran Surah Al-Insaan:8)

Last year
alhamdulillah over £50,000 was raised just by students in the north of England. This money has been spent on building schools for orphans in Kenya, orphanages in Somalia and Palestine and for Eid clothes for over 300 orphans, amongst numerous other projects that make a REAL positive difference.

Join us and help a child smile. :D

ONE week - ONE cause - ALL the difference!

***EDIT*** This post has been published later than expected

We had* a few days left for this appeal as it finished on Sunday 1st November insha’Allah but if you would like to donate (via MMU’s Islamic Society in association with Islamic Relief) then you can go on our ‘justgiving’ page or you can join our facebook group and contact the head brother/sister or even me on there.

MMU ISOC CW JustGiving page.

MMU ISOC CW Facebook group.

Allah bless you and remember the crescent radio team, myself and my brother in your duas. Take care. Wa alaikum us salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakhatuh.

By: The Radiowave
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Peace & respect ★


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