Thursday Waves: Salah, Sadaqah and Cops
Friday, October 30, 2009 Read more → fundraising, muslim diaries, radio shows, the radiowave, university life In the name of God, entirely Compassionate, especially Merciful | Peace be with you
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakhatuh! =)
I pray you’re all in the best of health and imaan as always.
What a day! Right let’s give you an update as to what happened in Rehman’s life today haha!
My day started at an extremely early 2.30 am! Yes 2.30! Why? Allah knows best, can you believe I got up at that time thinking it was half 6?! I mean okay that’s the time I get up for uni but why did it take me half an hour to realise it wasn’t half 6? My head must have been fuzzy, and that is beyond me, have any of you ever experienced that? It’s a first for me.
So university at 9.. I didn’t understand any of it, yet another first! I think today was a day of firsts!
Uni finished and then I was off to do some charity collecting! I wanted to go back to my home town to do a masjid appeal which is a student-led initiative from all the universities around the UK, it's for this week only and it's for the orphans around the world on behalf of Islamic Relief. I'm glad I'm part of this important cause masha'allah.
Okay so I was ready to make two appeals in the masjid today, yet another first for me (a recurring theme I say? :P) The time came for dhuhr (noon prayer) and after the fardh salah (obligatory prayers), I got up ready to make my appeal all confident and prepared but… the imam didn’t wait for me, made dua and my chance was gone! I can’t say how upset I felt because of it. So then I had to wait for Asr to get in the appeal too. Don’t you think time goes really slow when you’re waiting for something important like salah (or in a boring lecture hehe!) yet it's really quick when you’re enjoying something?
Anyway so Asr finally came somehow and I got my buckets ready for collecting time to save the orphans! I was going through my little speech over and over for the appeal as being a shy person, preparation tends to go out of the window due to nerves so I had to be extra careful. Alhamdulillah I made the appeal and then stood outside the prayer hall waiting... Wow talk about being pessimistic! I only thought that I’d get a handful amount of money but I received loads! How generous were people?! Allah bless them all for their generosity.
After the appeal I had to run for my radio show as it started at 3pm but as Asr was at 3.30pm that obviously meant that I was going to be late. Havining introduced myself at 3.50pm (yeah 50 minutes late but all for a good cause!), I then carried on with my show as normal.
So 4.45pm approached (time for maghrib) and so I dashed back to masjid and made one final appeal. Masha’Allah more donations came through so it was worth all the effort =) The maghrib appeal was done and dusted, now time to head back to radio and complete my show! I arrived at the radio station only to find the police there! Don’t worry we have an agreement with them to do interviews fortnightly on the radio. Talk about conducting an interview without a script or notes! I don’t know how I managed to do it but it went well in the end.
I learnt something new today, I know the difference between a sergeant and a PC, a sergeant is higher in rank. Lol, okay so my show finished at 6pm and then I went home tired, went to the masjid to pray Isha and then planned for Friday’s event as I am hosting it Insha’Allah.
All in all this was ONE busy day, I don’t think I even had a rest. I've just been stressing, walking and talking all day lol. The extra charity appeal was for a good cause so I don’t mind and people are generous, once they know where the cash it going.
Just a snippet into the life of I, The ‘Radiowave’ Man! (and no I did’t make that excellent name up, Zaufishan The Misanthrope did...)
Allah bless you and remember me and my brother in your duas. Take care.
Wa alaikum us salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakhatuh! =)

By: The Radiowave
Peace & respect ★