The mad 'moderate' Muslim
Thursday, August 06, 2009 Read more → islamophobia, mpacuk, opinions, organisations, terrorism, websites, writers In the name of God, entirely Compassionate, especially Merciful | Peace be with you
In the name of God, compassionate & merciful بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ Peace be with you السلام عليكم

MPACUK recently posted a poignant piece on the 'Moderatism' label we here so often.
If we're not extreme, fanatical, complacent or fundamental, we're moderate. Living in the middle path never felt so average...
Peace & respect ★

MPACUK recently posted a poignant piece on the 'Moderatism' label we here so often.
If we're not extreme, fanatical, complacent or fundamental, we're moderate. Living in the middle path never felt so average...
"It is increasingly becoming fashionable to be classed as a 'moderate’ Muslim, whatever that is supposed to mean. This wrongly attributed 'moderation' is now being brandished as the only acceptable type of way for Muslims when it is nothing more than a psychological manipulating attempt to change the true religion of Islam. More and more Muslims are practically tripping over themselves in their pathetic attempt to comply with this new-fangled 'moderate way'.
When conversing with fellow Muslims, I always find that they somehow manage to sneak in the casual disclaimer of ‘Oh, I’m a moderate Muslim’, as if to classify themselves as the ‘good’ types as opposed to the ‘bad’ ones. I wonder if they even have an inkling of what they are saying. What does the term ‘moderate’ even mean and why have Muslims suddenly ended up being divided into either the ‘extreme’ camp or the ‘moderate’ camp of Islam with nothing in between?" ...
Read in full here.
Peace & respect ★
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