Our Favourite Muslim Charity Organisations
Sunday, September 18, 2011 Read more → charity, fundraising, Link-Love, muslimness, organisations, sponsors and fans In the name of God, entirely Compassionate, especially Merciful | Peace be with you
"The people ask you (Muhammad) what they should spend in charity. Say: Whatever you spend that is good, is charity for your parents and families and orphans and those in need and for travellers. And whatever you do that is good, Allah is aware of it." - (Quran, 2:215)
MUSLIMNESS writers are passionate fundraisers and charity supporters. We work with and for some of the world's most noble causes, striving to eliminate poverty, love orphans and improve the quality of life of the needy.
Here are the organisations we currently support and report on. MUSLIMNESS will keep you updated about their projects. Insha'Allah, God willing.
- Action Aid - "Ending poverty, together." Read aboutVina, our sponsored orphan.
- Families Relief - "Empowering and strengthening the global family."
- HHUGS - Supporting the families of Muslim detainees.
- Human Appeal International - Relieving suffering of social injustice and disasters
- InterPal - "Helping Palestinians in need."
- I INSPIRE Inc. - "We read bedtime stories to sick kids".
- Islamic Relief - Alleviating the world's poorest suffering.
- Mercy Mankind - Working for the poor, in mercy..
- Mercy USA - Supporting communities to become self-sufficient.
- Muslim Charities Forum - MCF Provided humanitarian aid to needy regions.
- Muslim Hands - British charity, helping those affected by disasters.
- UK Islamic Mission - African and Asian disaster relief.
- Ummah Welfare Trust - Working for international relief and development.
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